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Thimble is acquired by Arch Insurance


Arch Insurance

The acquisition expands Arch’s suite of digital solutions for small business customers and brokers. Since May 2018, Thimble has delivered more than 170,000 policies to small businesses across the United States. Thimble works with a variety of carriers including Markel and Employers.

The Thimble team will continue growing the business with its existing carrier partners and offer new solutions through Arch.Arch Insurance North America, a division of Arch Capital Group Ltd., is responsible for Arch’s insurance operations in the United States and Canada.

Arch Insurance Company, Arch Specialty Insurance Company, Arch Property Casualty Insurance Company, and Arch Indemnity Insurance Company write business in the United States. Arch Insurance Canada Ltd. writes business in Canada.

Arch Capital Group Ltd. is a publicly traded Bermuda exempted company with a market capitalization of approximately $15.6 billion as of December 31, 2022.

Arch, a component of the S&amp P 500 Index, provides insurance, reinsurance, and mortgage insurance on a global scale through wholly owned subsidiaries.
Thimble, through its proprietary digital platform, assists small businesses in obtaining general and professional liability, business equipment, commercial property, and other types of insurance coverage.

Thimble collaborates with a number of carriers to provide the best digital insurance solutions to small businesses, brokers, and agents.

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