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Mercy Health will purchase McLaren St. Luke’s Hospital.


Mercy Health

The Maumee campus of McLaren St. Luke’s hospital consists of 73 acres of land and 12 buildings. Mercy Health intends to purchase all of them.

“Yes, the goal is to cause as little disruption as possible.” Keep it as seamless as possible for both providers and patients,” said Bob Baxter, President of Mercy Health. On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, he outlined some of the group’s plans inside Perrysburg’s Way Public Library.

According to Baxter, the majority of the smaller buildings will continue to provide specialized well care with the same staff and physicians. In fact, he claims that Mercy Health has already hired over 400 St. Luke’s employees who would otherwise be laid off when the hospital closes on May 15, 2023.

It’s an opportunity for us to really think about what the ministry calls us to do, and we really want to expand Jesus’ healing ministry, which includes filling gaps in the community’s healthcare continuum.

We have to think about what we can do to bridge that gap, and this seemed like the best way to plan that journey to us, Baxter explained.

What is unknown is what will happen to the main structure, the hospital. According to Baxter, it will no longer be a hospital. Mercy Health may keep it as a free-standing emergency department, he said, but that is yet to be determined.

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