UserEvidence $9 Million in Series A Funding to Revolutionize B2B Buyer Confidence with Automated Social Proof


UserEvidence, the leading customer voice platform for B2B go-to-market (GTM) teams, has announced a significant milestone by securing $9 million in Series A funding. The funding round was spearheaded by Crosslink Capital, and it also saw participation from Founder Collective, Afore, and Next Frontier Capital, raising the company’s total funding to an impressive $14 million.

For GTM teams, crafting customer stories has traditionally been a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. In many cases, customers are unable to share their success stories on record with software vendors, thereby severely limiting the availability of referenceable content for GTM teams.

Addressing this challenge was thought to have two main options: either allocate substantial budgets to create high-quality content for a select few customers or attempt to manually generate content in-house with limited resources. Unfortunately, both of these options proved to be neither cost-effective nor scalable.

UserEvidence enters this arena with an innovative solution – a customer voice platform that transforms survey feedback into verified proof points in a matter of minutes. GTM teams can swiftly produce shareable, on-brand content, and customize it for specific use cases, such as company size, industry, or geography, with just a few clicks.

Evan Huck, UserEvidence’s co-founder, and CEO, highlighted the significance of social proof in the B2B landscape, stating, “Social proof is rapidly becoming the most important asset for B2B companies — guiding marketing, sales, product, and customer success teams. Our mission is to help B2B companies generate authentic customer stories at scale.”

With UserEvidence’s platform, software vendors can bolster their product claims with substantiated customer data, instilling confidence in buyers to make well-informed purchasing decisions.

Udi Ledergor, Chief Evangelist at Gong, shared his experience: “UserEvidence helps Gong showcase the value our platform provides by generating high-quality customer proof. With the ability to scale content creation, we can dedicate more time to enabling our sellers and building relationships with advocates.”

In today’s highly competitive landscape, buyers face mounting pressure from the C-suite to streamline tech stacks, eliminate redundancies, and reduce costs. Trusting vendor claims without the validation of relevant customer examples backed by real-world data is no longer an option.

Meghan Keaney Anderson, VP of Marketing at Jasper, emphasized the importance of customer testimonials, stating, “Happy customers have always been one of the strongest marketing channels, but heading into a time of significant change in the ways people discover businesses, it has never been more important.”

Gabby Contro, Partner at Crosslink Capital, praised UserEvidence’s elegant solution, noting, “Creating customer content is notoriously difficult to do at scale, and this ubiquitous problem is precisely what UserEvidence solves so elegantly by combining its continual data collection flywheel with content and design automation.”

UserEvidence’s successful Series A funding marks a pivotal moment in their journey to revolutionize B2B buyer confidence through automated social proof, offering a compelling solution to an age-old challenge in the industry.

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