Payload Studios, the developer behind the popular game TerraTech, has announced a significant reduction in its workforce, with 25% of its staff being laid off. The news was shared by CEO and founder Russ Clarke via LinkedIn, citing the ongoing struggles within the wider gaming industry as the primary reason for the difficult decision.
In his LinkedIn post, Clarke expressed the company’s efforts to avoid layoffs and acknowledged the tough market conditions that have impacted smaller independent developers. “We tried very hard to avoid this,” Clarke wrote. “I won’t pretend that we got everything right over the last few years – but ultimately the games market has been very tough in recent times, and shows little sign of getting easier.”
Clarke emphasized the harsh reality for small studios, stating, “Small independents like us have no protection from this, other than ‘nailing it’ every time, which is much easier said than done.”
Despite the layoffs, Clarke assured the community that TerraTech and TerraTech Worlds will continue to be supported and developed without interruption. He extended gratitude to the community for their ongoing support and expressed regret over parting ways with valued team members. “We thank our wonderful community for their support, and we wish the best to those amazing co-workers with whom we have shared this incredible journey, but must now regretfully part ways,” Clarke added.
Growth and Future Plans:
1. Continued Game Development:
Payload Studios is committed to maintaining and developing TerraTech and TerraTech Worlds despite the staff reductions. The company plans to focus on delivering updates and new content to keep the games engaging and relevant for its player base.
2. Strategic Refocus:
The layoffs indicate a strategic refocus to ensure the sustainability of the company in a challenging market. This may involve streamlining operations and prioritizing core projects to optimize resources and adapt to the current market conditions.
3. Community Engagement and Support:
Payload Studios will continue to engage with its community to ensure ongoing support and feedback for TerraTech. The company values its player base and aims to maintain a strong relationship through consistent updates and communication.
4. Long-term Resilience:
In the face of industry-wide challenges, Payload Studios will likely seek ways to build resilience and adapt to the evolving gaming landscape. This could involve exploring new revenue streams, partnerships, or game development strategies to navigate future market uncertainties.
The company’s focus remains on delivering high-quality experiences for its players while managing the impacts of the current industry climate.