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How a Hit-and-Run Accident Victim Can Secure Compensation


You should never assume that just because the at-fault driver took off, you’re completely out of luck.

In fact, there are several options available to you, depending on your insurance coverage, the laws in your state, and other factors. But each of these options comes with its own set of challenges, unfortunately. 

You’ll need an auto accident attorney specializing in hit-and-run accidents if you have to sail through these challenges and come out with a solid settlement.

The purpose of this article is to give you a rundown of the options available to a hit-and-run victim so that you don’t have to foot the consequences of someone else’s actions all by yourself.

The Options Available for a Hit-and-Run Victim

Here are the several ways a hit-and-run accident victim can secure compensation:

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UM/UIM): If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you’re in a good position. Many people don’t realize that UM/UIM coverage can be your best friend in a hit-and-run accident. 

Essentially, this type of insurance covers you when the person responsible can’t be identified or doesn’t have insurance. It’s basically a safety net for exactly this type of situation.

If you’re not sure whether you have UM coverage, now’s the time to check. You’d be surprised at how many people skip over this detail when they’re choosing their car insurance. Sometimes it’s optional, but in many states, it’s mandatory, so there’s a good chance you might already have it without even realizing it.

However, if you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, don’t panic just yet. There are still other paths to compensation. Some states have a crime victim compensation fund, which is a state-run program that provides financial help to victims of crimes, including hit-and-runs.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP): If you live in a no-fault insurance state, your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage could also come into play. PIP coverage is designed to pay for your medical expenses and lost wages, regardless of who’s at fault. But you should know that PIP coverage has limits, and it’s usually more useful for minor injuries or covering immediate medical bills.

If your injuries are severe and your PIP coverage runs out, you might still need to look into other avenues for compensation, like UM/UIM or even suing your own insurance adjuster if necessary.

Legal Action Against Your Own Insurance Company: Yes, in some cases, you may end up needing to take legal action against your own insurance company. This might happen if they deny your UM/UIM claim or offer you far less than what you’re entitled to.

The At-Fault Driver is Found: Let’s not forget the possibility that the hit-and-run driver may eventually be found. If that happens, you can pursue compensation from their own insurance company. Of course, that comes with its own set of challenges, but it’s definitely a possibility that you should be prepared for.

If the driver is caught, you’ll want to make sure you have all your evidence ready. The evidence in this situation includes police reports, medical records, and any damage estimates.

Once you can establish their liability, your lawyer will be able to pursue the full amount of compensation you’re owed.

Tips that Can Strengthen Your Personal Injury Claim

As an accident victim looking to secure compensation, the following tips can help increase your chances of getting the most amount of money possible:

  • Get a medical evaluation ASAP: Even if you don’t feel like your injuries are severe, always get checked out by a medical professional after the accident.
  • Don’t jump at the first offer you get: You can’t go back for more later, even if your injuries turn out to be more serious than initially thought. So take your time, think things over, and definitely seek advice from your auto insurance lawyer before agreeing to any settlement.
  • Choose the Right Lawyer: Speaking of auto insurance lawyers, don’t just settle for the first one you find, they may not be the best one. Ensure that the lawyer you go with has the adequate amount of skill, experience, and desire to get you the compensation that you are after. Choose a lawyer whose goal is maximum compensation and nothing else.

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