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WorkWhile is a flexible hourly labor marketplace using machine learning to match workers to shifts based on skills, schedule, and location, supporting reliable staffing and scalability in industries like warehousing and logistics.

WorkWhile Highlights:

  • WorkWhile annual revenue is $3.0M.
  • WorkWhile total funding is $16.5M.
  • WorkWhile headquartered in San Francisco, California.
  • WorkWhile number of employees is 110.
  • Overview


    Jarah Euston

    Co-Founder and CEO

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to WorkWhile

    WorkWhile is located in San Francisco, California.
    Yes, WorkWhile is a Silicon Valley company.
    WorkWhile total funding is 16.5M.
    WorkWhile revenue is 3.0M.
    WorkWhile’s number of employees is 110.
    WorkWhile’s CEO name is Jarah Euston.
    WorkWhile was founded in 2019.
    WorkWhile’s contact email is .