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Upwork connects businesses with freelancers worldwide, offering over 10,000 skills and serving everyone from startups to Fortune 100 companies for flexible, trusted partnerships.

Upwork Highlights:

  • Upwork annual revenue is $183.0M.
  • Upwork total funding is $74.0M.
  • Upwork headquartered in San Francisco, California.
  • Upwork number of employees is 146,000.
  • Overview


    Sofie Rossem


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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Upwork

    Upwork is located in San Francisco, California.
    Yes, Upwork is a Silicon Valley company.
    Upwork total funding is 74.0M.
    Upwork revenue is 183.0M.
    Upwork’s number of employees is 146,000.
    Upwork’s CEO name is Sofie Rossem.
    Upwork was founded in 2015.
    Upwork’s contact email is