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Portfolia is a community-driven investment firm focused on funding innovative companies in sectors like women’s health, aging, sustainability, and education. Through funds like Femtech III and Active Aging & Longevity II, Portfolia drives impactful change while generating returns and promoting diversity.

Portfolia Highlights:

  • Portfolia annual revenue is $.
  • Portfolia total funding is $20.2B.
  • Portfolia headquartered in San Mateo, California.
  • Portfolia number of employees is 320.
  • Overview


    Tammi Jantzen


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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Portfolia

    Portfolia is located in San Mateo, California.
    Yes, Portfolia is a Silicon Valley company.
    Portfolia total funding is 20.2B.
    Portfolia revenue is .
    Portfolia’s number of employees is 320.
    Portfolia’s CEO name is Tammi Jantzen.
    Portfolia was founded in 2015.
    Portfolia’s contact email is