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Pinecone is a fully managed vector database enabling fast, scalable, and reliable vector search for production applications. It simplifies adding high-performance vector search with features like filtering, built by experts in machine learning and search from AWS, Yahoo, and Databricks.

Pinecone Highlights:

  • Pinecone annual revenue is $26.6M.
  • Pinecone total funding is $138.0M.
  • Pinecone headquartered in New York, New York.
  • Pinecone number of employees is 177.
  • Overview


    Edo Liberty

    Founder, C...

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Pinecone

    Pinecone is located in New York, New York.
    Yes, Pinecone is a Silicon Valley company.
    Pinecone total funding is 138.0M.
    Pinecone revenue is 26.6M.
    Pinecone’s number of employees is 177.
    Pinecone’s CEO name is Edo Liberty.
    Pinecone was founded in 2019.
    Pinecone’s contact email is