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OneSignal is a leading customer messaging platform offering push notifications, SMS, email, and in-app messaging. Trusted by over 1 million developers, it helps businesses engage customers through scalable, reliable, and personalized messaging across multiple channels.

OneSignal Highlights:

  • OneSignal annual revenue is $28.5M.
  • OneSignal total funding is $84.2M.
  • OneSignal headquartered in San Mateo, California.
  • OneSignal number of employees is 170.
  • Overview


    Long Vo

    CoFounder, COO

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to OneSignal

    OneSignal is located in San Mateo, California.
    Yes, OneSignal is a Silicon Valley company.
    OneSignal total funding is 84.2M.
    OneSignal revenue is 28.5M.
    OneSignal’s number of employees is 170.
    OneSignal’s CEO name is Long Vo.
    OneSignal was founded in 2014.
    OneSignal’s contact email is