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Niantic leverages augmented reality (AR) technology to inspire people to explore the world together. Founded in 2011 at Google, Niantic is now an independent company backed by investors like Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, with offices globally.

Niantic Highlights:

  • Niantic annual revenue is $9.0B.
  • Niantic total funding is $573.0M.
  • Niantic headquartered in San Francisco, California.
  • Niantic number of employees is 960.
  • Overview


    Jeff Shouger

    Chief Financial Officer

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Niantic

    Niantic is located in San Francisco, California.
    Yes, Niantic is a Silicon Valley company.
    Niantic total funding is 573.0M.
    Niantic revenue is 9.0B.
    Niantic’s number of employees is 960.
    Niantic’s CEO name is Jeff Shouger.
    Niantic was founded in 2011.
    Niantic’s contact email is