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IPValue specializes in optimizing returns on intellectual property, offering tailored portfolio management solutions. Since 2001, the company has generated nearly $3B in IP revenue, focusing on long-term relationships, a “litigate last” philosophy, and maximizing value for innovative organizations and patent holders.

IPVALUE Highlights:

  • IPVALUE annual revenue is $10.0M.
  • IPVALUE total funding is $223.8B.
  • IPVALUE headquartered in Santa Clara, California.
  • IPVALUE number of employees is 52.
  • Overview


    Michelle Kim


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    Frequently Asked Questions related to IPVALUE

    IPVALUE is located in Santa Clara, California.
    Yes, IPVALUE is a Silicon Valley company.
    IPVALUE total funding is 223.8B.
    IPVALUE revenue is 10.0M.
    IPVALUE’s number of employees is 52.
    IPVALUE’s CEO name is Michelle Kim.
    IPVALUE was founded in 2001.
    IPVALUE’s contact email is