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Evidation Health

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Evidation uses real-world health data to create personalized, proactive healthcare solutions, leveraging data science and machine learning to improve health through privacy-centric digital measurement and engagement.

Evidation Health Highlights:

  • Evidation Health annual revenue is $42.0M.
  • Evidation Health total funding is $259.0M.
  • Evidation Health headquartered in San Mateo, California.
  • Evidation Health number of employees is 170.
  • Overview


    Christine Lemke

    Co-founder, CEO

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Evidation Health

    Evidation Health is located in San Mateo, California.
    Yes, Evidation Health is a Silicon Valley company.
    Evidation Health total funding is 259.0M.
    Evidation Health revenue is 42.0M.
    Evidation Health’s number of employees is 170.
    Evidation Health’s CEO name is Christine Lemke.
    Evidation Health was founded in 2012.
    Evidation Health’s contact email is