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42 is a business intelligence platform for omnichannel retailers, providing insights from various data sources like POS, e-commerce, and ERPs. It helps businesses grow with over 100 custom retail metrics and is backed by Y Combinator.

42 Highlights:

  • 42 annual revenue is $15.0M.
  • 42 total funding is $100.0M.
  • 42 headquartered in San Francisco, California.
  • 42 number of employees is 23.
  • Overview


    Peter D. Yang


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    Frequently Asked Questions related to 42

    42 is located in San Francisco, California.
    Yes, 42 is a Silicon Valley company.
    42 total funding is 100.0M.
    42 revenue is 15.0M.
    42’s number of employees is 23.
    42’s CEO name is Peter D. Yang.
    42 was founded in 2014.
    42’s contact email is .