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PagerDuty helps teams deliver optimal digital experiences by identifying issues in real time and bringing the right people together to solve problems quickly. Trusted by over 18,000 businesses, including Fortune 500 companies, PagerDuty enables teams to spend less time reacting and more time building for the future. Join us to reinvent how companies operate and deliver in real time, globally.

PagerDuty Highlights:

  • PagerDuty annual revenue is $446.9M.
  • PagerDuty total funding is $174.0M.
  • PagerDuty headquartered in San Francisco, California.
  • PagerDuty number of employees is 1,400.
  • Overview


    Nora Jones

    Founder and CEO

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to PagerDuty

    PagerDuty is located in San Francisco, California.
    Yes, PagerDuty is a Silicon Valley company.
    PagerDuty total funding is 174.0M.
    PagerDuty revenue is 446.9M.
    PagerDuty’s number of employees is 1,400.
    PagerDuty’s CEO name is Nora Jones.
    PagerDuty was founded in 2009.
    PagerDuty’s contact email is