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Sugar Bowl Bakery

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Sugar Bowl Bakery Highlights:

  • Sugar Bowl Bakery annual revenue is $200.0M.
  • Sugar Bowl Bakery total funding is $2.8B.
  • Sugar Bowl Bakery headquartered in Campbell, California.
  • Sugar Bowl Bakery number of employees is 65.
  • Overview


    Shonn Tom


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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Sugar Bowl Bakery

    Sugar Bowl Bakery is located in Campbell, California.
    Yes, Sugar Bowl Bakery is a Silicon Valley company.
    Sugar Bowl Bakery total funding is 2.8B.
    Sugar Bowl Bakery revenue is 200.0M.
    Sugar Bowl Bakery’s number of employees is 65.
    Sugar Bowl Bakery’s CEO name is Shonn Tom.
    Sugar Bowl Bakery was founded in 1999.
    Sugar Bowl Bakery’s contact email is