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Esperanto Technologies

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Esperanto Technologies develops high-performance, energy-efficient computing solutions using the open standard RISC-V architecture. Headquartered in Mountain View, California, the company focuses on making RISC-V the preferred choice for compute-intensive applications like Machine Learning.

Esperanto Technologies Highlights:

  • Esperanto Technologies annual revenue is $.
  • Esperanto Technologies total funding is $1300.0B.
  • Esperanto Technologies headquartered in Mountain View, California.
  • Esperanto Technologies number of employees is 120.
  • Overview


    Art Swift

    President and CEO

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    Frequently Asked Questions related to Esperanto Technologies

    Esperanto Technologies is located in Mountain View, California.
    Yes, Esperanto Technologies is a Silicon Valley company.
    Esperanto Technologies total funding is 1300.0B.
    Esperanto Technologies revenue is .
    Esperanto Technologies’s number of employees is 120.
    Esperanto Technologies’s CEO name is Art Swift.
    Esperanto Technologies was founded in 2014.
    Esperanto Technologies’s contact email is